Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Working sucks!

I'm just about fed up with my job. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do...I hate my job. first off, my trip to San Antonio is cancelled. Due largely to the fact that my boss would not give me one day off. I bend over backwards for these people, I make my self completely flexible and build my world around their schedule. The last time I asked for time off was for my honeymoon. I think one day for my anniversary is reasonable. OK. So she doesn't give it to me. so I ask for a shorter day so I can at least leave on Friday instead of having to wait until Saturday morning. She said no because the school I'm going to is huge and she needs my help and experience. Then she got kinda rude about me having the nerve to ask to not work that day. Grr. It just frustrates me. I told her I wanted a day off like 2 months ago and it sucks that I have the kind of job where they just downright can't give it to you. I want a job where the scheduling is not so tight they have no one to spare.

So I was so pissed off for having this trip ruined. That I had been planning for three months. I cried, I almost wanted to just quit my job. Then I remembered. It's hot here. It's hotter in San Antonio. I checked the forecast...high temp was supposed to be between 99-101 degrees this weekend. Do I really want to cruise the riverwalk all day in that heat?? naaa. Not to mention gas prices are sky high. And it's 6 and a half hours to San Antonio. I could still go, but I don't think 2 days there is worth the time and gas money. So i calmed down and decided to go to Medieval Times in Dallas instead. It's closer. It's indoors. And I can hang out with my mom the next day. And for an anniversary present, my stepfather agreed to fire up the grill for us, and let me tell ya...the man can grill:) So I think it will be a pretty decent weekend just the same. My husband has never been to Medieval Times so at least that's something different. And if anyone doesn't know what that is, tell me. I would be more than happy to explain. Or just go to the website.

So..I'm feeling alright, finally about not getting my day off. Then I get my expense sheet back from my boss which has my mileage that he's going to reimburse me for on it. back story. I went to a school one day, in bray. About an hour and 35 minute drive from here. We get there and discover we've left the power boxes behind. We plug our lights into it and it was impossible to do without. So we called a guy and told him to meet us halfway. I volunteer to meet him. I drive for over an hour before I finally see him, and grab the stuff and drive the 60 miles or whatever back to the school. I know better than to count the miles for going back on my mileage sheet. So I just put 172 miles, which is one trip there and back. 4 days later, the boss passes out this addendum to our handbook saying that if something is left behind and he has to pay someone mileage to bring it to you, you cannot claim the mileage for that school since he has to pay it to someone else. Understandable. But he didn't make this change until after my job. So I get my expense sheet back and he's marked it off and deducted it from my total. Now...there were two people who drove on this trip and I'm wondering if he really subtracted 2x172 miles on our sheets because he had to pay 70 miles to someone else. If he did, totally unfair. Second, I actually don't think he subtracted the mileage from the other guy's sheet just mine, which is even more unfair, because not only am I out 172 miles, I'm out the extra 100 miles for having to go 2/3 of the way and back. If I had known he wasn't going to pay me anything I would have made the other guy go back since it was his fault we left the stuff anyway. or better yet, just let the guy come all the way to me instead of meeting him. Granted, I was the team leader and I was supposed to double check, but I asked one of the photographers, while he was staring at the shelf where the powerboxes were sitting, if we missed anything and he said no. Why wouldn't I take his word, if he's standing there looking at it? And what really burns me is that my boss is probably sitting around thinking very ill of me for trying to put one over on him and for being so incompetant and forgetting things. when I work so hard for him with absolutely zero positive feedback. I don't deserve that crap. I shouldn't have to live up to perfect. or have 5 mistakes out of 150 good days ruin my reputation as a good employee. i know I forget things. It happens ya know? when you do 100 different things for job and everyday you're taking a completely different set of equipment, it's hard to keep track....


I'm just really tired. It's an awful lot of pressure and I'm having a hard time dealing with it at the moment. I like my job...I just don't want to work for my boss anymore.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bunch of stuff

First off...I did my solo. I was so incredibly nervous I think you could hear my heartbeating in my voice. I kept my head down staring at the book the entire time. my voice was so weak, and I cracked and hit wrong notes. But everyone was soooo supportive. They went on about how good I did and how pretty my voice was, but I can always rely on my father to tell me the truth. " sounded good...but.." Apparantly I was a little too quiet, and I explained to him that it was because I was very uncomfortable with the song and had only practiced it twice. I was quiet because if I hit a wrong note it wouldn't be a LOUD wrong note. My dad put it on his computer and if I ever figure out how to upload it, I might try to let some of you see it. We'll see how that works. Moving right along...

I think I refered to something that had been bothering it is.

there's this guy that works with me. He's the type of guy that if we finish working at 6:10 he suggest we sign out at 6:30. so his box was like right below mine and I glanced in it..we have expense sheets were we keep track of job mileage so we can get reimbursed and I noticed a few problems with his. point A. He had minerals wells listed on his first line. First of all...he did not drive to mineral wells.
Second..he had 400 miles listed when it's like a 190 mile trip. Then he marked another place we went to as 425 miles when it took 325. So this was like a week ago and apparantly I decided not to tell anyone for a couple of reasons. First I'm not sure if he actually turned it or had a sudden case of conscience. Second, if he did turn it in, I'm not sure my boss didn't already catch it, he's usually pretty good at catching an extra 200 miles on an expense sheet. And if they've set him down already and had a talk to him about it, a week later is not a good time to stick my noise in and volunteer late information that has nothing to do with me. So...I'm planning on just keeping an eye on him. See if he pulls it again. Second time, I'm going to mention something to my photo manager.

In other news. Does anyone have that problem to where they buy pants and it fits perfectly in the legs, but is for some reason baggie around the middle and waist, resulting in that stupid line that comes across your crotch when the waist slides down but the legs stay put. Drives me nuts. and I just bought these pants! In actuallity I probably should have bought a size smaller (which just tickles me to think about it) But these are already a size smaller than I used to wear (which tickles me even more). But I'm still ticked because I really like these pants and they feel too loose, and it's too late to take it back because I've been wearing them all day. Darn it! I wonder if I could just get them altered.

I think that's all for now. By the way...did I mention I worked a whopping 70 hours last week. That's like...two weeks worth of work in one week. It was very hard for me, but I think this week promises to go a little easier. later!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

dance fever!

Ok. So I've never been one of those people who like the reality caller-vote shows which basically have the "So you wanna be a star?" American Idol, The apprentice, the one show that missy elliot did. Which, sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn't really like american idol. but this new show...So You Think You Can Dance? Love it. No don't get me wrong. I love singing...actually singing a solo this sunday...(oh my gosh...this sunday!). I sing in the car, I sing while cleaning house, and I have total respect for good singers. But screw them, I already know how to do that...But the dancers! I mean, they let actual professionals on this show. People who have dance studios, where they teach other people how to dance as well as people who just study it and like it. They do stuff on that show... Most people don't realize that I'm a closet dance fanatic. I love it. I used to want to be a dancer. I'd rather be good at dance than good at photography (gasp!) but unfortunately I'm a [broad-shouldered] woman and [broad-shouldered] women have a hard time dancing and making it look good. If I can manage to lose enough wieght and maybe even get a [shoulder] reduction, perhaps I will make a go at it. screw soon as I move to a city that offers them I am so taking dance lessons with my husband. lessons...those were one of those things that well, I like to call a wooing promise, a bargaining chip, if you will. See...when a guy is dating a girl and is partaking in the act of wooing he may make a promise. Guy does not want to lose girl, so promises anything she desires. Then he marries her, figures her to be trapped and suddenly, promise is forgotten. Girl hears, "What? I didn't say that,' or "You must have misunderstood me." I distinctly remember asking James, while we were dating if he would take dance lessons with me, although admittedly reluctant he did agree. But now that we are married and I bring it up he's all "I don't think so." What a rip! Dang it...I know i should have outlined that in the pre-nup. :) But I think perhaps..I still have room to talk him into it.

On the other hand. That 90 day program I 17 days left. Yahoo! I will tell you this much..I have lost weight..but you're going to have to way till day 90 to find out how much. also...there's an issue I'm having at work I'd like to discuss, but unfortunately I have to get up in 6 hours to go to work, so It's going to have to wait until tomorrow:)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

no time

Sorry it's been so long since I have written in this thing, but I'm low on time. I've been working long hard hours the past few weeks and I've been pooped. I've been on the road doing senior portraits at various little podunk towns in Texas. Fortunately the overnight part is pretty much over. Now we just have the ones where we go down that morning, come back that night. Which still sucks a little, because that makes for one long day.

It's also been a while because, as I'm sure I mentioned, I'm a part of this excercise program that has a support club online. I have what they call a thread on the message board. I started it and treat it basically like a workout blog and people can come by and leave little messages on it for me. Encouraging me and things like that. I write everything on it, so my actually blog get's no attention. I just leave it over here all dusty and stuff. Soon, no one will come by and read it because they'll assume I've forgotten all about it.

My first anniversary is coming up soon:) Less than a month. I'm excited. We are supposed to be going to San Antonio for an extended weekend, but my husband is not really acting like he's planning on it. He keeps saying we'll see. But hello. I booked the room already. I keep telling him that if we don't show up, they'll charge us for the room anyway, so we'd better go. We'll see what happens. If anyone has some cool stuff to do in San Antonio, let me know. We have no plans at the moment. More later, have to get ready for work now.