First ,the weather, then the news
I's been a while. My life has now been taken over by my diet and excercise program. It's all I do. It's like a tornado, just sucks me in. See, they have a website that allows you to log on when you start a workout so that people all over the country can "work out with you" Then, there's the cooldown chatroom where myself and a bunch of other sore overweight people first, grumble about the pain, then pat ourselves on the back for sticking with it and doing such a great job. Then it's off to the support club website were I spend 3 hours trying to create the perfect balanced meal plan of 1800 calories a day. Then the message boards to find answers to any questions I might have concerning certain excercises or which cereal is the healthiest. That was my life for about a week. Then I got really stressed and ate anything I could get my hands on, so happy not to have the frustration of never getting that perfect meal plan I can enjoy. I still sign in at the start of my workout. I still go to the message boards for encouragement. But now I just eat better. Stress-free eating. I've been on this 90 day program for 24 days. I haven't missed one workout (6 days a week). And I'm starting to feel a lot stronger. Can definately do things now that I couldn't do in the beginning. there's finally a calm in my storm. I'm settling into what works for me.
And now for the news. So, I'm sure you've heard mention of my adorable cat sugar. I've talked about her before. so I finally took her to the vet today to have her shots, probably a couple of months later than I should have, but at least I did it. She has a terrible flea infestation too, so I was hoping we could do something about that. When we go in to the see the vet, she starts asking me questions about sugar. Does it seem like she has a worm?, Is she in heat yet?, am I considering getting her spade. Then as she's talking to the cat and giving it a once over, she says "Well no wonder it's not in's a boy!" I've had my cat for almost 4 months. and I did not know it was a boy. I did not notice the testes. Quite frankly I had never really examined a male cat up close, and I thought sugar's was just a patch of brown fur. I such an idiot. She was like.."I really can't believe you didn't notice" Cuz I'm dumb! Forgive me, I just didn't realize that cat testes were so...well small. I"ve only seen big dog testes and sugar's ain't nothing like that. So..I come home, I tell me husband, and he says he already knew that. Why in the world, did he not tell me? He couldn't have saved me the humiliation of going to a trained pet professional and proudly proclaiming I didn't know the difference between boys and girls. Grrr... He said, it just didn't occur to him to tell me, we were so used to calling it she. Does that make since to any of you? Fellas...seriously if you discovered that your female family pet was actually a male...would you not mention? not even in passing maybe??
We decided to continue to call him sugar. I'm still trying to get used to calling it he. (sigh). And that was our news for the day, thank you for tuning in.
And since Nicole has been dying to see a picture of HE is. He's just kinda got that one arm up on james sleeping on the floor. See how he's chilling. real cool like..."Whassup?" I can actual visualize the head nod.