Friday, June 03, 2005

Have I mentioned that I'm lazy?

you know...not working is really starting to bug me. I mean, really, it's nice to have the time off. But I'm bored and my laziness is really starting to set in. You know what I've done today since I woke up 6 hours ago. I ate a frozen waffle and finished up Harry potter and the order of the phoenix (for the second time). Then I stared at my cat for half and That's not nearly as interesting as I thought when I first started to write.

So I put new batteries in my flash. It charges up in all of two seconds now as opposed to the 15 seconds it took last weekend. But it's over now. Moving on. Besides, I didn't realize my flash could charge that fast with a fresh set of batteries. It's kind of cool. Of course I now realize how quickly that flash burns through a set of batteries. I bought a twenty pack to be kept restocked in my camera bag at all times.

I'm very excited about senior season starting back up. That is when we start taking senior portraits. It's always nerve-wrecking dealing with seniors and their parents. You get the kids who don't give a crap and won't smile or do what you tell them with the evil parents who threaten to have you fired when they see their child's expression-less, forced photographs. It's never the child's fault. Always the photographer. We were taught that in training. And you also get the girl so obsessed she constantly changes her hair and practices her smile while her mom rearranges the shirt collar umpteen times making a 45 minute session into a 3 hour one. But those are the extremes. Usually you get pretty normal kids who are nervous about playing model for an hour, so they just do as their told. I have a couple of new ideas in my head I want to try this summer. Anyone going to be in the area? Come model for me for a couple of days? but eh...dont' expect to be paid, I've been working like 10 hours a week avg. That's another reason I'm excited for the season to start. We are just so glad that God has blessed my husband with a good paying temp job, so we can keep paying our bills although I'm not working much.

Well I suppose I could get off my butt now. You know. I think I'll run to the store real quick, pick up some supplies...and paint the kitchen:) That oughtta be fun:)


At 6/04/2005 6:07 PM, Blogger Brown Sugar said...

don't feel bad.....i wasted a day too....first, i slept till 10:30...then i sat at my computer for a while...then i ate lunch..a one course lunch...then i looked at blogs and submitted photos to jones soda till 4:00...then i went to buy some milk and bread..and ended up getting 60 more dollars worth of stuff i didn't need and shouldn't have it's 8:00pm now and all i've done is sit, eat, and waste money.


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