Monday, June 13, 2005

solo me, mi solo

I am lonely. It's so boring being in this house, alone, everyday. Still not working. My husband works all day. 70 hours last week. Not just office work, physically taxing hard labor. He puts together, by hand huge conveyors the size of a whole room and he works so hard, he comes home exhausted. Barely talks to me...just falls into the couch and kind of goes to sleep. If I cook, he'll get up and eat a little, then passes back out. Personally I think he should sleep more at night (he has to get up at 4 am 6 days a week) and eat better (skips breakfast, candy bar for lunch), and maybe even start taking daily multivitamins. I just wish he wasn't always so tired. I miss him. Making pretty good money, but I still rather him not work so much. I feel alone whether he's here or not. I guess this is proof that I would probably not make a good housewife. I just don't know what to do with myself when I'm not working. Next week, it will start back up. Our senior studios open next Monday. I'll probably be leaving on Tuesday for Altus (an hour and a half drive from here). We have a senior studio there and I will probably stay all next week, and come home for the weekend. More than likely repeating that for the following 3 weeks. A week or two breaks, then I'm off to do senior pictures on the road, stopping at various towns but still gone for a almost a week at a time. (sigh) It will be good money, but if I think i miss him now, I can only imagine what it will be like then. and most of these places have suck cell phone reception, so I won't even be able to call him for the most part. (sigh). ah well. That's life, right?

moooving right along. I have been asked by the choir director of my church to sing a solo at our annual musical in August.(gulp) I'm so nervous. I used to sing in my choir when I was younger, not since I was sixteen, and was perfectly content to not sing there again (except when the whole congregation sings) But every so often, well first i should probably explain that at my church we have sunday school and BTU (Baptist Training Union) before church starts every Sunday. after a 30 minute BTU within our respective classes, the entire congregation comes together to give an overall of the lesson and to have an activity, like a bible drill or quiz. A few months ago they thought it would be nice if everyone sang one verse of a church song they liked. No one had heard me sing in years, and had forgotten that I even could. ever since, everyone and their mom has been trying to get me to join the choir. No offense...but the average age of the members of our choir is about 58. more than twice my age. I know it sounds crazy, but I really just don't think I would feel comfortable there. In case you haven't caught on, my church is very small and to be perfectly honest, my husband, his sister and I, are the only active members between 20 and 40. At any rate, I won't join the choir, but it seems the director is determined to hear me sing anyway. I've never done a solo. Ever. I'm so nervous. I even have to pick out my own song. I have no idea where to even look. I'm feeling all sweaty just thinking about it. I won't be singing in front of a lot of people...but still. I am the featured guest soloist of the Annual Musical (scream!!) pressure....

oh, and a somewhat related story, my paster has been absent from our church for several months now. He got sick and was moved to Fort Worth. Most of his children live in that area. He went from hospital to hospice to rest home, but he's not doing well at all. His pastor anniversary is coming up soon and most are sure it will be his last. His children came to us a couple of weeks ago and asked to go ahead and motion for his retirement and begin looking for a new pastor. He will have been pastor of the church for 29 years. I think he was only the second pastor there since the church started. It's all very sad. His wife passed away a couple of years ago. Please pray for his strength and that of his family and church family. Pray for our new pastor whoever who will be. Pastor Williams has been my pastor since I started going to church, and I actually think that me and my husband are the last two people who married, and my husband, the last person he baptized. Just keep our church in your prayers. It's upsetting to think that he will be leaving us, but I'm sure he's happy to be going home.


At 6/17/2005 1:28 PM, Blogger Shea said...

When singing your solo... if you have to hit a high note...just remember the advice you gave me in chapel one day. Squeeeze that dime!

Love You!


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