Tuesday, June 07, 2005

death by diet

ok..for everyone who cares not about the weight-loss roller coaster and the insecurities of a typical female..by all means, by-pass this entry. Check back next week, perhaps i will have moved on.

Now for you brave men, understanding women and...well husbands who are used to complaints about our bodies, I have gone on a diet. first of all, there is something I don't understand. I've been...let's say..beyond average since I was in 7th grade. I didn't care then. All through high school and college I was genuinely content being a fat happy woman. I was not, as my mom predicted, boy crazy and did not attempt to starve myself to lose weight to catch men. I didn't care. The women in my family were brought up to believe that they were beautiful no matter was physical shape they were in. That was how I saw myself and that's how I saw other people. But why is it, that every other woman in the world supposedly maintains girlish figure to attract the opposite sex but once marriage is acheived, man sufficiantly caught, and family is started, proceeds to let themselves go, when I am quite the opposite. I eat up to my little hearts content before I am attached, all through my engagement even, but now that I am married, it's like suddenly I realize I'm overweight. A veil has been lifted, a fog removed from my mirror. Now I am concerned. Not I want to be smaller and have a beach body and cut abs....


Sorry. can't even keep a straight face thinking about me with a six-pack. Never mind. hehe....hehehe..

ahem. anyway. so since I've been married I've tried all these diets for all of two days, and the 6 months of daily excercise I've committed myself to dwindled down to 30 minutes that one day. I spent $160 dollars on a diet and exercise plan. After I failed of course I sent it back for refund minus shipping, but who does that??

Bad habits are so hard to break. I told my husband once that...my eating habits are like an addiction. I seriously believe people can become addicted to certain types of food that are bad for them. Eating right for me would be like a smoker quitting cold turkey. It's agony trying to reverse bad habits. Sometimes I want to cry when I think about how weak my will power is. If I'm craving a brownie...well it's a brownie I'm getting. and I sure could go for some french fries.. But seriously...one diet said I had to eatskinless boneless chicken breast 5 meals a day and had to swear off salt and butter. can you imagine five helpings of meat with no salt. it doesn't sound bad now...but you try a completely salt free diet and see how long you last.

You know, now that I think about it, my desire probably comes from the fact that my husband is so skinny. 5'11. 135lbs. I think his waist is smaller than my leg. ew. Nothing's creepier than a woman wishing she had her husband's body. bleahh.

Anyway, I have, yet again, purchased some new gimmick exercise program. fortunately only 20 bucks this time...but we will see if it works. Who knows. Maybe I'll go back to looking like my 6th grade self again. Wish me luck. better yet..pray for me

by the way. My friend nicole says hi. Have you ever notice her bright glowing blue eyes. check out her blog. she's a princess. well..not really. But she has great imagination:)


At 6/07/2005 7:16 PM, Blogger nicolegail said...

I am wonderful and fabulous (and sometimes annoying), but so is Cherese!

At 6/08/2005 12:10 AM, Blogger Shea said...

Alright Cheese...

This may be a longer post. First of all you ARE beautiful (diet or not). Don't think of any of this as a looks issue.... think of it as a health issue. This past January/Feb. I was going through the same thoughts. I'd gained a little since marraige (the change from NYC to LA was rough) and was realizing how much we eat out. I wasn't even much of a cook...cause I knew we could just go get take out some where. Anyway, I realized if we didn't make changes...our family's health was heading down the toilet...plus I know that since Jon has diabetes, it's extra important to be more health conscious.

Anyway, I read what you said about certain foods being addictive. It does seem that way. It's also HABIT. When you start a diet...it's hard because you have to change these lifelong habits. Your daily routine changes if you incorporate exercise. Your shopping and cooking habits change. It's a lot of change when you think about it. Which is why you have to be sure you really want to commit to that change or else it probably won't work.

After we threw our annual oscar party, I decided it was time for our family to change. We went on the south beach diet (easy recipes to cook that taste great) and I started an exercise routine. I lost 16 pounds in no time and am smaller now than I was even before we were married. Do I cheat every now and then? Sure! IF you do a 90 - 10 level of being healthy most of the time and exercising..you can still occasionally have your cravings---it's just the lifestyle change that has to happen. I wanted to make sure our new lifestyle becomes habit before we have an even larger family.

A tip I've started doing is printing out a monthly calendar and putting it on the fridge. Once a week, I plan out the next weeks dinners. This way I know what to shop for (no excuse of not having "anything in the house" AND I already know what to cook...so I don't rack my brain about it.) I go over the list with Jon, we pick the meals...and wa-la it's done and eating healthy is a breeze.

Anyway, this post is long. I know you can do it! I LOVE YOU!

At 6/09/2005 6:30 PM, Blogger Cherese said...

One problem...my husband is not really concerned about eating healthy and only does it when I cook, otherwise it's a candy bar and sports drink for lunch, hamburger patty and pb & j for dinner. Trying to cook stuff we both like is definately a challange.


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