Saturday, August 05, 2006

Photographer for hire

I almost can't believe it, but I gave my notice at work Thursday. Next Saturday is my last day at Lifetouch. I was out of town when I did it. I called my boss , so there's a small chance that Monday he might talk me into staying.
I'm kind of dealing with mixed emotions here. I'm happy to leave behind he exhaustion and working so hard for less money than I think it's worth. but I'm scared out of my mind. I have no job. Nothing lined up, nothing I'm looking into. I'll just be unemployed. I should perhaps stick it out until I find something else, but the idea of having to work there for another fall season makes me wants to smash my foot with a hammer. I'm mentally and physically tired of traveling around so much and working so hard on my feet. I don't want 10 to 12 hours a day, six days a week. I'm starting to not care about the pictures I take, and I don't want to be turned off of photography or take crappy pictures just because I'm grumpy at work.
So I quit. I'm so scared. I don't really know what should do now. I want to work, but I'm afraid of getting a job that I hate even more than the one I have now. I want a few months of happy before i get out of this town.
My dad thinks I may have made a mistake. Mom thinks I did the right thing. I need a little time to decide for sure. who knows...maybe I just need a month or two break. Or maybe this lifetouch can just kiss my butt:)


At 8/05/2006 1:29 PM, Blogger JonGrubbs said...

Cherese, I'm so sorry I disappeared from IM today. I'm at work, and right as I was about to type to you, my boss came in and spent an hour going over my trailer with me. I didn't mean to leave you hanging. Love ya. Best of luck as "photog for hire!"

At 8/07/2006 10:26 AM, Blogger LoriLoo310 said...

My guess is that you made the right decision. When you're that unhappy at your job, everything else seems to follow in the same.

Good luck finding a new job!

At 8/08/2006 8:10 AM, Blogger JonGrubbs said...

I agree, LifeTouch should totally kiss your butt! That'd be awesome. A whole corporation lined up to kiss your butt. Then someone could take pictures. Then, you could compile a yearbook of sorts showing every person kissing your butt. Sweet.


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