Saturday, March 04, 2006

Stop babying me! I understand that it's becoming the norm for a lot of people to have children before they get married, but why does that lead people to believe that if you get married first, your behind and must hurry to catch up? I do not want a baby right now. I do not...want a baby...right now.

First it was my mom especially, a week after marriage asked for grandkids. Then these ladies at my church keep grinning at us and making the rocking baby arms motion in our direction. Now it seems like, whatever is currently ailing me is a symptom for pregnancy.

"My feet hurt."
"Are you pregnant?"

"I've been so hungry today."
"Are you pregnant?"

"I can't seem to get this thing that's stuck in my tooth."
"You're pregnant aren't you?"
" NO!!!! I'm not now, nor will I ever be pregnant!" that's probably a lie. I will more than likely be pregnant at least once in my lifetime, but sometimes I just want to say it to keep people of my back

I swear...not everything makes me pregnant. Sometimes my feet just hurt, or a have a big appetitte or I'm forgetful, or a I throw up in the morning(just kidding) But someone asks me if I'm pregnant at least 3 times a week.

Give me a break already. We don't all have to reproduce early. It'not like 26 is some magic age that after that is will be too late. Although...I do think it's funny that out of all my college friends that are married only one couple is about to have a baby. The rest of us are just fine being just a couple for the time-being. I wonder if they are all being pressured as well?


At 3/05/2006 6:04 AM, Blogger nicolegail said...

There's nothing worse then being "babied" to death. Unless it's people waiting for you to get married.

I hate that look people get when they ask if I'm married and I say no, I'm single. They kind of look me up and down as if trying to gauge what's wrong with me.

Oh, and then there are people I meet for the first time who ask if I have kids. Do I look old enough to have children? (Don't answer that. And please say no.)

At 3/05/2006 10:25 PM, Blogger Brown Sugar said...

another post eh?....are you pregnant or something?

At 3/06/2006 8:27 AM, Blogger LoriLoo310 said...

Yes, Brandon and I are pressured ALL THE TIME! It is annoying. No, I'm NOT pregnant.

At 3/06/2006 9:39 AM, Blogger JonGrubbs said...

Just tell people you have a baby already. Sugar. We have Hurley.

At 3/07/2006 9:53 PM, Blogger Shea said...

Pressure... yeah Jonathan's Grandma asked us when she was gonna be a great grandma the day we got back from our honeymoon. Now, I get all the same things you wrote about except it's always frased "You not pregnant are you?"... nope I'm not. Not even thinking about it. That way if ppl persist to ask me about it I say... again, we're not even thinking about it right now.
Also, when we moved to LA and ppl found out we got married so drastically "young"...everyone assumed that I must have gotten pregnant before I was married. They were astonished to find out that Jonathan and I actually loved each other and made the CHOICE to get married.

At 3/12/2006 8:50 PM, Blogger Brent Vermilyea said...

I suppose it's a good sign that people are encouraging you to have a baby rather than not encouraging you. :) It probably means you'll turn out to be a great mother. Good post.

At 3/15/2006 5:38 PM, Blogger nicolegail said...

Hey Cherese! I heard you had a cold. Are you pregnant?

Seriously. You can tell me the truth.

But I have to agree with Brent. At least people aren't pulling you aside and saying "Gee Cherese, do you really think kids are for you?".


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