Tuesday, August 22, 2006

any pray-ers out there?

so...I let Lifetouch sucker me into another week which ended this past Friday. hoo-rah. I came back monday and dropped off my key and took my award plaque off the wall of the front lobby. My boss is still trying to talk me into letting her put me on the schedule. Nothing doing. My big boss is asking all kinds of questions trying to see if I have plans to come back or not. Seriously...why don't people just ask straight out. So I can give them a flimsy non-committal answer?:)

So...I applied for a job at the local University at the registrar's office. (sigh)..so not lifetouch. It's an 8-5. state job so good benifits and all that. I had an interview last week and low and behold they called me yesterday to request a second interview. Which I have just come from. Last time it was just the Registrar Directer...today it was with her and the assistant directors. Who likes to be interviewed by three people at the same time? anyone... no hands? But..I still think it went well. I mean...they laughed..that's a good sign right? Of course she had to ask my what my goals were. and I gave...a flimsy non-committal answer. I mean who want's to say "To work here for one year to earn enough money to blow this popsicle stand and move on with my life." no no no. But there's still a good chance I may get this job and I so would rather work there than at Budget again. So if there are any pray-ers out there...well...you know what to do:)


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