Things at my job are so slow.
I'm only averaging 20-25 hours a week. It will be better in a couple of weeks when they send me on the road. But I'm so tired of not working. It's making me lazy. And it stinks because they need you to be completely flexible, meaning few can get other p-time jobs. Especially me, because I am the primary member of the road crew. I spent 3-5 days a week for the past three weeks in Oklahoma. and in two weeks, I go out for 3 solid weeks in a row. I like it much better in December. No one works and I could collect from unemployment for 3 or 4 weeks. But during senior season, you may work 40 hours one week and 6 the next. The only way to get unemployment is through temporary layoff (december) or if you work partime or are unemployed and looking for work. And it's not like I want another job or to look for work....I just want my job to use me more. (sigh) Thank God my husband has a good-paying job right now. He's working a lot of overtime, but it helps to offset my lack of hours. Hopefully when my hours pick up, his will slow down. He's passed out on the floor as I'm typing this. So tired. He works 5-5. Anyway. Other than the usual excercise program, not much is going on new with me.
I just recieved word by one of my co-workers that he and another guy will be accompanying me on the road. I really hope neither one finds this blog, but one is Scott, the other is Chris. first of all, I think it's silly to send two guys and a girl because our company has a rule that only a girl can be a photo assistant(helping seniors get dressed in yearbook tux/drape/feathers) simply because a male employee can not help a girl get dressed. So that means I will rarely get to photograph. Also a male photog can not be alone with a girl senior. A Female photog has to be present at all times. Which means not only can I not photograph, I have to babysit the guys who do. That being aside. I do not want to spend three solid weeks with just Chris and Scott. They are nice guys, but there are some people you can only tolerate if you don't have to spend that much time with them. Chris and Scott are those people. I don't want to bad talk to them, but they do have the ability to get on my nerves...which I am quite sure, I do to others. Not trying to be on a high horse...I know some people don't like having me around and that's ok. I can live with that. So, I'm going to talk to my boss tomorrow and see if I can convince her to alternate the guys. Send one with me one week, and the other another week, then they can both go with me the week we need four people, and she'll be sending another girl anyway. I don't know...I mean does anyone see my case? I have never asked her to accept my preferences, I usually just accept who she gives me and go on. But...I reeeeally don't think I could handle the two of them together. (sigh)
On a complete different note, I don't remember if I mentioned this or not, but my pastor died a few weeks ago, about a month from his 29th anniversary at our church. It was very sad, but he's going home, so it's all good. Just keep my church in pray as we search and prepare ourselves for another pastor.