Saturday, April 23, 2005

A computer of my very own!

Well, my mother did get married this Sunday. I gotta tell ya, it was the funniest wedding I've ever seen. We were all laughing. The preacher, of whose church my mother is a member, kept calling both of them the wrong name. Then my mom got real excited and started putting the ring on before she was supposed to. Realizing her mistake and going to take it off until time, she saw she had put the ring on the wrong finger, the fat finger, and she had a heck of time trying to get it off. Then the preacher had the nerve to ask a woman in her mid-forties to kneel down in a snug-fitting knee length dress. Needless to say her groom had to help going down and getting up. To see the look on my mother's face. But it was very short and sweet, and best of all...the cake was delicious;) As a result of my mother's marriage and her moving in with her husband, she gave her furniture to her roommate, my aunt, and gave her computer to me. Now I should have plenty of time to work on a website and update my, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Let's face it....I'm lazy as all get out. You're lucky I'm writing today. That's right...count it as a blessing:)


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