First subject, my mother is getting married tomorrow as of last friday. she's been engaged for over a year, but still, this is short notice. I'm so happy for her, and I'm bringing her a cake made by the same people who made my cake. But um, she lives two hours away, so does anyone have like a big cooler I can use, ya know to keep the frosting from melting?:)
Next, is about me. I tired. My job is really wearing me out. Not that I don't love kids, but with me, the longer you work at my lifetouch, the more they train you for. And the more they train you for, the more you have do in one day. The suck part is that, since we have such a high turnover rate, most of the people I work with are only trained to do one thing, meaning if we photograph individual portriats, classroom group, freestyle portraits and sports teams in one day, I'm responsible for the last three. I don't want to make it seem that I'm complaining about this awesome job, that pays decent enough and gives me more photography experience, but I'm just ready for a break. There's only been two weeks when I haven't worked over 40 hours since September. But I guess I should take my blessing and be happy. Ya know, some people can't get jobs, some can't pay bills. I can.
As I'm writing now, I can't remember if I've ever even touched on my christianity. I bet no one even knows how important it is to me. How can they...if I don't talk about it. Sometimes it happens like that. When you step back and take a look at the things your life revolves around. I think a need a little time to figure out what my life is truly about.
I've been a practicing Christian since I was 13, since then the intensity of my faith wavers back and forth. When you graduate from college and everything you do is new and different. You move some where you've never been, you get married, have a career or at least a job lasting more than a year, it's all too easy to put God on the backburner. Maybe next time, I'll have more to say on that.