The money-making machine
so...I've mentioned on adam's blog that I asked for a raise today. Asking for more money is one of the most nerve-wrecking things you can do. I've been building up the courage for months to say "Terry, you got a minute? I was wondering if I could get a raise?" Way to plead your case cherese! He said he was in the process of going through the budget for this fiscal year and could get back to me in a couple of weeks. So I made him pinpoint it to about mid-July. Exactly three weeks from today I will ask again. If he doesn't give me one I'm quitting. I'm a very hard worker and it's so not fair I'm getting paid the same as I did 2 years ago. Same as people who've only been there a year. Same as people who have come and gone, who only work summers, who refuse to go on the road, which let me tell ya, is much harder than staying in the studio. Is it so wrong to want a little compensation. Do you have to be perfect in order to get a raise or can you just be good and knowledgable at your job. I've been there at least a year longer than every other road photographer. I know that I've made this complaint before and I'm glad I've finally got the nerve to ask for a raise. But for some reason I get the feeling he's stalling. Like he's going to push this as far as he can before talking about it. He's got 5 weeks. 3 to get his budget together and if not then...a 2 weeks notice. I have a feeling he won't want to lose me in the middle of senior season. if he does. then he has a problem of not respecting the works his photographers do, and I don't want to work for him anyway.
complaining over.
signing off.