The man eating machine
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in so long. My job is killing me. I work so much that any time I have a break or get off at like 4 intead of 7 I can't even rest hardly. I have to spend that time doing stuff or running errands I didn't have time for before. I only sign on to the internet once a week. And even then not for long. I appreciate the extra overtime money..but I'm tired! this job ages you. My knees hurt so bad. One day I was literally on my feet for 11 hours straight taking pictures. I bet I lost 2 lbs just that day. I don't even have time to sleep and eat. I think the schedule will start to loosen up here in a little bit, but I don't know. My wonderful husband has done all the dishes and laundry for the past 3 weeks without one compliant. Thank God for him. I'd be recycling all my clothes and eating out out of cans:)
The main problem is they overbook me on senior portriats. You know I go into school and do senior portraits and ideally I am supposed to be finished before school is out. That hasn't been the case. I could probably handle about 12-15 seniors comfortably in one day with one camera. They've been sending to me to schools with 23-27 seniors and then saying..."oh yeah...and they can add extra outfits." I've been working my tail off going as fast as I can (and still be able to take decent pictures) and I've ended keeping seniors up to 4 hours after school is out. It's ridiculous. The people in the office know better than that and I don't know why they don't send 2 cameras instead of just one. I'd like to make them all come to work with me for the day and see how it feels. "just work faster cherese" Well I'm just sorry I can't give you anymore than my best. It's driving me crazy. I can't wait for road seniors to be over...just a little while longer....