Saturday, September 24, 2005

The man eating machine

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in so long. My job is killing me. I work so much that any time I have a break or get off at like 4 intead of 7 I can't even rest hardly. I have to spend that time doing stuff or running errands I didn't have time for before. I only sign on to the internet once a week. And even then not for long. I appreciate the extra overtime money..but I'm tired! this job ages you. My knees hurt so bad. One day I was literally on my feet for 11 hours straight taking pictures. I bet I lost 2 lbs just that day. I don't even have time to sleep and eat. I think the schedule will start to loosen up here in a little bit, but I don't know. My wonderful husband has done all the dishes and laundry for the past 3 weeks without one compliant. Thank God for him. I'd be recycling all my clothes and eating out out of cans:)
The main problem is they overbook me on senior portriats. You know I go into school and do senior portraits and ideally I am supposed to be finished before school is out. That hasn't been the case. I could probably handle about 12-15 seniors comfortably in one day with one camera. They've been sending to me to schools with 23-27 seniors and then saying..."oh yeah...and they can add extra outfits." I've been working my tail off going as fast as I can (and still be able to take decent pictures) and I've ended keeping seniors up to 4 hours after school is out. It's ridiculous. The people in the office know better than that and I don't know why they don't send 2 cameras instead of just one. I'd like to make them all come to work with me for the day and see how it feels. "just work faster cherese" Well I'm just sorry I can't give you anymore than my best. It's driving me crazy. I can't wait for road seniors to be over...just a little while longer....

Monday, September 05, 2005

Two more things under my loose belt.

My first anniversary was yestereday! Yahoo...I have been married for one full glorious year. Unfortunately, the day itself was rather uneventful. We woke up...ate breakfast at Denny's (hehe), drove to my mom's, watched tv...went to the store, watched more tv and then went to sleep. woohoo. Saturday we did go to medieval times. I redemmed rewards from my credit card to get a $100 cheque for Marriot hotel, so I just picked one that was close to medieval times. The map said .2 miles so i figured it would be pretty easy to find. As we pulled into the parking lot to unload my husband said.."What's that?" I followed his gaze over the fence we parked by. "Why sweetie, that's Medieval Times." How funny is that? The hotel we stayed at actually shared a fence with Medieval Times. And not even a full fence...about 30 feet down the fence stopped and me and James just walked right over. I had even copied down directions from the hotel to the M. Times...

It was a good show. The fight scenes were a little...unrealistic. Like a guy flying off his horse 5 seconds after he was hit...or if the sword was like 2 feet away. And our "serving wench" forgot our table and we were the last to get our chicken. Those two factors kind of drug down the whole experience. But it was still ok. Something different I suppose.

Along with a year of marriage under my belt I also have completed my Power 90, 90 day excercise program. Yahoo! And for the grand total of weight loss...drumroll please...21.6 lbs, which was exactly my goal. And 13.5 inches off my waist, hips, chest, thighs and arms. Not bad!?! The said part about it? I cheated the whole way through. I was never committed to my diet like I should have been so I can only imagine how much weight I would have lost if I had a little more will power. But oh well...I can only do what i can do. I'm starting a new program today...which I probably will not attack with same intensity. So I won't lose weight fast at all. But I won't gain and hopefully i can still pull off about a pound a week.

So that's all for now, check you kids later.